E.V. Uskova
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Personnel management and psychology, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
In contemporary philosophy of mind there are a lot of completely different in their bases theories of consciousness, but mostly they converge in the question of what qualia is the essence of consciousness. It is how we understand qualia that determines our ability to understand self-awareness and unravel its mystery. However, this approach to the phenomenal consciousness is not the only one, it is possible to distinguish its qualitative and subjective component – content and reflexive consciousness – form or «I». If reflection comes to the fore in consciousness, then we get the opportunity to consider consciousness in terms of its «usefulness» for the body. Qualia, as the content of consciousness, go by the wayside, although still remain one of the main subjects of interest of any theory of consciousness.
Keywords: theory of consciousness, qualia, phenomenal consciousness, reflection, self-consciousness.
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