A.S. Krasnoperova
Postgraduate student of the Department of philosophy, Magnitogorsk state technical university named after G.I. Nosov
V.A. Zhilina
Doctor of Philosophy, Head of Department, Professor at the Department of philosophy, Magnitogorsk state technical university named after G.I. Nosov
The article is devoted to the research of the role of experience in the interaction of the subject and the object of cognition. The relevance of the research is the need to trace the transformations occurring to the subject due to its interconditionality with the social, scientific, economic, cultural, religious systems and their changes. Phenomenological theory considers the problem of interaction between a man and the world at the decisive level of such interaction – the level of experiences. It is noted, that in the phenomenological schools the consideration of the experience and its irrational faculties, that substantiate the experience and which are inherent in consciousness, is carried out in different aspects of human existence; the ways of realization of such consideration are revealed.  It is established that according to E. Husserl's doctrine, the ability of phenomenological intuition, which is fundamental to experience, is the basis of scientific cognition, as well as the fact that in the R. Otto’s phenomenology of religion, the ability of divination is considered as the basis of the religious faith of man and the ethical determinant of his activities. The specificity of the study of experiences is revealed, and it is proved that the method of phenomenological description allows research the processes of the individual's inner life. It is ascertained that the descriptive method is fundamental in the Husserl’s and Otto’s phenomenological concepts with significant differences between these concepts. The authors believe that the phenomenological theory, considering irrational experiences as a justification of the process of cognition of the transcendental subject of the world, becomes universal in terms of the basis of the methodology.
Keywords: phenomenology, description, experience, intuition, evidence, numinous.
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