S.D. Lipatova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor, Department of HR Management and Psychology, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
The human factor is becoming a matter of concern in modern management in Russia. Such issues as an innovative human capital management have been brought into sharper focus. One of them was the coaching technology adopted from the West at the beginning of XXI century. It is viewed both as managerial style and a variety of consulting. In this study the coaching technology is considered as a style of innovative human capital management. The introduction of coaching into the management is relevant because it performs several tasks at the same time – motivation, staff development and training.However, there are no adapted tools for coaching interface in enterprises. 
The main goal of this study is to define special aspects of coaching staff managerial style. 
The following methods have been used to carry out the research: 
1) theoretical analysis and summary of scientific literature and articles about coaching;
2) extraction and synthesis of features and tools of coaching related to the staff management.
As a result of the performed study, the coach management educational program was worked out and put to test, it consisting of theoretical and practical lessons. The program is aimed at studying principles, technologies and coaching tools, that can be used by managers as a style of innovative human capital management.
Keywords: coaching, coaching staff managerial style, coach management.
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