UDC: 656.1


M. G. Boyarshinov1, 2, 3, A. S. Vavilin1, 4
1Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia
2Perm military Institute of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Perm, Russia
3e-mail: mgboyarshinov@pstu.ru
4e-mail: vavilin@tbdd.ru

Abstract. The average speed and density of road transport are used as indicators of the congestion situation, but do not allow tracking the evolution (stages of formatting, progressing, and vanishing) of traffic congestion. The authors proposed and justified a quantitative indicator of traffic congestion, which allows in an automated mode to identify the congestion situation on the urban road network using hardware and software video recording systems. The purpose of this study is due to the need to study the quantitative characteristics of the proposed indicator at characteristic intersections of urban roads, which will allow us to develop scientifically based recommendations for predicting congestion situations, substantiating, and making optimal decisions on measures to promptly eliminate traffic congestion. The object of study is the traffic flow at three types of intersections of the Perm city road network, equipped with a photo and video recording software and hardware complex. The subject of the study is the regularities of the evolution of the listed deterministic indicators of traffic flows, which can be used for operational forecasting of the formation, development, and elimination of traffic congestion. The theoretical and methodological approach is based on the methods of mathematical statistics used to process the results of observations of traffic flows at different types of intersections using a «sliding window», calculating the average daily value and standard deviation. The initial data were obtained with the help of hardware and software complexes for fixing violations of traffic rules installed on the street and road network of the Perm city. As a result of the study, the rational parameters of the «sliding window» were determined, ensuring the structuring of the traffic congestion indicator; the facts of the congestion situations formation were revealed; the features of the congestion evolution and the presence of problematic traffic directions for which it is advisable to change the traffic light regulation mode were determined. The theoretical and practical significance of the work consists in checking the operability of the proposed indicator and criterion of traffic congestion, which is of practical interest from the point of view of predicting anomalies in the movement of vehicles on the road network, adjusting the operating modes of traffic lights, etc. It is also possible to use the proposed traffic congestion indicator to assess the effectiveness of traffic light regulation on the Perm city road network. The direction of further research is to study the patterns of traffic congestion at intersections of the urban road network, of various types that are not included in this study.

Key words: traffic flow, traffic congestion, indicator and criterion of traffic congestion.

Cite as: Boyarshinov, M. G., Vavilin, A. S. (2024) [Patterns of traffic congestion indicator at some intersections of the road network]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 1, pp. 95–115. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2024-1-95.


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