UDC: 338.1


А. D. Khairullina
Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism; Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
e-mail: zavkafeus@mail.ru

R. R. Rendikova
Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan, Russia
e-mail: rimmarendikova@gmail.com

Abstract. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that the rapid growth of interest in computer games in Russia requires timely state regulatory support of this industry. The world has accumulated sufficient interesting experience of state regulation of sports, which is advisable to use in domestic practice.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the practice of state regulation of eSports in China as one of the leading countries in this field and to substantiate recommendations for the formation of a model of state regulation of the e-sports industry in the Russian Federation.

The methodology of the study is based on an integrated approach that allows identifying the key features of the formation of the management model of the eSports industry and establishing the reasons for the success of the management system in China, a country that is a leader in the global esports market. The research is based on the analysis of financial statements of leading companies and industry associations, reports of the information center of the Internet

Network of China, regulatory legal acts regulating the sphere of both esports and the gaming industry as a whole. The authors of the article used a comparative regional analysis of the development of eSports, studied market trends in the industry, and assessed the impact of historical events on the eSports market.

The results of the study allow us to consider the development of esports in China in the context of promoting the digital economy and digital platforms. It is proved that the rapid development of esports in China is an example of joint efforts of both government and business – represented by the main players in the gaming industry and electronic platforms. The focus on a global expansion strategy has allowed China to outpace not only Japan and South Korea in its region, but also the world’s largest esports markets in North America and Europe.

Scientific novelty is a unique phenomenon where the state takes an active part in the control and development of the gaming industry. This model can be studied and analyzed to identify the advantages and disadvantages of state regulation of the esports industry.

The results of a study of the best practices of the PRC in the field of state regulation of the eSports industry can serve as a basis and example when developing regulatory regulation of this industry in our country.

Key words: eSports market, eSports, eSports industry, eSports management, Chinese model of eSports management, regulatory framework for eSports, government regulation of the eSports industry.

Cite as: Khairullina, A. D., Rendikova, R. R. (2024) [Model of state regulation eSports industry: China experience]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 1, pp. 55–65. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2024-1-55.


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