UDC: 332.1


D.-H. M. Kopush
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: kopushdm@gmail.com

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of determining the degree of resource endowment of the subjects of the Russian Federation as a factor of regional development. The state of the resource base affects the level and growth rates of the socio-economic system of the regions and the national economy. The subject of the study is the state of resource endowment of the development of the regions of the Siberian Federal District. The purpose of this study is to develop a methodology for assessing the state of tangible and intangible resources of the regions that are part of the Siberian Federal District and its impact on the socio-economic development of territories. To achieve the goal of the study several tasks were solved, such as the classification of the region’s resources, the development of a methodology for carrying out a comparative assessment of resource endowment of the subjects of the Siberian Federal District and conducting on its basis a comparative analysis of resource endowment of the selected group of regions. The research methodology includes general scientific (content analysis, empirical method, observation, systematic approach, comparative analysis) and special methods (analysis of regional statistics, index method, method of logical matrices, etc.). The information base of the study was formed by the data of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), websites of territorial bodies of Rosstat, the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, reports of the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The results of the study consist in the development of a methodology for assessing the state of resource endowment of the region and conducting on its basis a comparative analysis of the state of the resource base of the subjects of the Siberian macro-region, which allowed us to determine the differentiation of resource endowment of regions as factors of development asymmetry.

Key words: regional economy, resource endowment, regional development, Siberian Federal District, regional asymmetry.

Cite as: Kopush, D.-H. M. (2024) [Resource endowment of development of the regions of the Russian Federation]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 1, pp. 19–28, https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2024-1-19.


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