S.S. Kuzmin

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russia


Abstract. In the article justifies the possibility of using the paradigm methodology for analyzing the development of scientific ideas about the patterns of corporate growth, as well as identifying the basis of the three dominant paradigms of the causal paradigm, the paradigm of growth results and the process paradigm. It is proposed to systematize the theories and models of corporate growth on the basis of highlighting their essential features that constitute the core of each of the paradigms that treat organizations as mechanical or organic systems. It is determined that the causal growth paradigm is based on mechanistic ideas about the organization and the task of finding causal relationships (laws) providing growth, the growth results paradigm unites growth theories and models that explore the life cycle of organizations and the changes that occur at different stages of the process. growth paradigms view an organization as a complex, self-organizing system, investigate organizational changes resulting from growth. Keywords: paradigms, corporate growth, models of organizational growth, mechanistic and organic organizations, system approach.