Scelles Nicolas

Место работы: Faculty oh health Sciences, University of Stirling, UK, Lecturer Business school , Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, Senior Lecturer.

Количество публикаций в: Scopus – 21; Web of Science – 10. 

Основные труды:

Dermit-Richard, N., Scelles, N., Morrow, S. French DNCG management control versus UEFA Financial Fair Play: a divergent conception of financial regulation objectives // Soccer and Society. – 2017. – pp. 1-23.

Scelles, N. France: Organisation of sport and policy towards sport federations (Book Chapter) // Sport Policy Systems and Sport Federations: A Cross-National Perspective. – 2017. – pp. 135-155.

Terrien, M., Scelles, N. The win/profit maximization debate: strategic adaptation as the answer? // SPORT BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL. – 2017. – I. 7. – Vol. 2. – pp. 121-140. 

Scelles, N. Professional Sports Firm Values: Bringing New Determinants to the Foreground? A Study of European Soccer, 2005-2013 // JOURNAL OF SPORTS ECONOMICS.  – 2016. – I. 17. – Vol. 7. – pp. 688-715.

Индекс Хирша (Scopus) – 5.
